美味しいお茶は人の心に潤いを与えます お煎茶は日常生活において親しまれていますので、しきたりや形式などに臆することなく、より気軽に親しみをもって楽しめるかもしれません
お点前をすることや学ぶことは、精神的な修養になり、心のありようを磨いていくことになります そこには心地よい静謐さがあります 細やかな所作は、そ のひと時を穏やかに過ごすための思いやりや、心くばりが配慮されたものになります 静寂、閑雅、幽玄、枯高、余韻などを深め感じられます
和敬清寂(わけいせいじゃく): 和)人との和を大切にすること 敬)互いに敬いあう気持ち 清)心の中を清浄に保つこと 寂)何ごとにも動じない心のゆとり
お茶をすると心が落ち着くように思います それは「三昧」(無心で茶器そのものになりきる)の境地に入り、自性(本来の自己)を悟るという行いになるからかもしれません 雑念を一切交えず、心を集中し、一心に茶器を扱うことにより、三昧(ざんまい)の境地に入ります
三昧とは梵語になり、正受((しょうじゅ)無心であればあらゆる煩悩が静止し、心は澄みきった鏡のごとくすべてのものを正しく写し、受けとめられる)という意味になります 何にでも心を一つに集中し、そのものになりきることを言います
Gyokuro is smooth and full-bodied, with a characteristic mellow sweetness. It has a distinctive aroma, sweetness, and umami flavor that linger on the palate and
soothe the soul. It is best appreciated when sipped slowly, savored on the tongue like a fine brandy.
Sencha has an elegant balance of sweetness, bitterness, sharpness and fragrance. It provides an exceptional balance of astringency and sweetness, together with a
refreshing aftertaste. Delicious any time or place, sencha serves as a great drink to wake up in the morning, savor after meals or enjoy with sweets.
Tea would invite us to obtain an ultimate peace of mind. At tea, we seek to realize the spirit of harmony, respect, purity and tranquility. That four principles
will helpp to increase our spiritual awareness and lead us to find inner peace. We would embody tranquility when we make harmony, respect and purity our own.
At tea, the first guest represents the others, he is the only person to converse directly with the host. This is the rule for keeping the tearoom quiet and tranquil
with minimal conversations to create the atmosphere of harmony.
Manners at tea include the expression of gratitude and humbleness, not only toward people but also to objects and even to the environment and situations. Tea
satisfies our physical thirst and our spriritual needs.
Subtlety and profundity, modesty, lingering effect, nebulosity, suggestiveness, innocence.
Serenity, quietude, composure, solitude, distaste for business, bustle, turmoil.
Each encounter happens only once in a lifetime, the unrepeatable quality of the moment, a singular moment, a singular meeting; Ichigo Ichie
Tea had been introduced by Zen Buddhist priests in the 12th century and gradually spread to the aristocracy and high-ranking warrior class. In the middle of the
16th century, wealthy merchants had joined to these groups. Until the middle of the 19th century, Tea had been enjoyed only by men. In the Meiji era, Tea was introduced to young ladies at school
as a part of the educational curriculum. Since then, Tea has been seen for ladies.
Sencha, steeped tea, had been introduced from China in the 16th century, spreading mainly among the upper echelons of society in Japan. In the late 18th century,
Sencha became the casis for an artistic pursuit distinct from chanoyu called Sencha-do (the way of infused tea).